The latitude and longitude finder to convert gps location to address or search for your address and latitude and longitude on the map coordinates.
They tend to point about 1.1 degrees further towards the East (clockwise) than their correspondents in the ND SP S 83 map. GPS Coordinates finder is a tool used to find the latitude and longitude of your current location including your address, zip code, state, city and latlong. Tissot indicatrices for UTM Zone 14 North: the red lines point towards true North. On average, the UTM convergence is approximately 1.1 degrees greater than the State Plane convergence. For the UTM projection, the convergence varies from 3.65 degrees to -1.75 degrees in the southeast corner. Within the southern part of North Dakota, the grid convergence for the State Plane projection ranges from 2.6 degrees in the southwest corner (meaning that a bearing towards true North would appear to be 2.6 degrees East of North on the map) to -2.9 degrees in the southeast corner. Tissot indicatrices for ND SP S 83: the red lines point towards true North. For transverse Mercator projections, the grid convergence changes in a more complex fashion, because the meridians are curves joining two fixed points (the projections of the poles). For conic projections the meridians all radiate from a central point (off the map to the north in the Northern hemisphere), making it clear the convergence changes as you move in an east-west or north-south direction across the map. It varies from point to point except in cylindrical projections, for which all meridians are parallel. Grid convergence is the angle between true north and the grid north. Or is the discrepancy between the two, if any, so miniscule that I'm being needlessly nit-picky? I don't want this data on file without the custom coordinate system attached and have someone in the future go out and use the description using the wrong coordinate system. However, because all the records I see for the state never specify a coordinate system I think it is implied that the state's standard coordinate system is used. I understand their reasoning for using the custom coordinate system as they shifted the false easting and northing to reduce distortion in the location they preformed the survey and using a perfect square coordinate system without converging lines of longitude make sense at this scale.

My question is what, if any, difference will there be in the bearings if it were transformed into the State Plane system? Both systems use the same units, datum, and spheroid. Feet (a Lambart Conformal Conic projection) as its standard coordinate system so I believe that all their records would be stored in that system. However, my state, North Dakota, uses State Plane S Nad83 Int. The coordinate system they used was a custom Traverse Mercator projection. I recieved a new boundary description from a surveyor that uses metes and bounds in the form of bearings N XX°XX'XX" W going XX feet and so on.