
Lower throat upper chest discomfort
Lower throat upper chest discomfort

lower throat upper chest discomfort

So here we are nearing the end of September and I still feel the same. Still the same daily chest discomfort, tightness. Sure enough, my symptoms have not changed. I hate taking unnecessary meds, so I stopped. He even suggested that I may want to see a pulmonologist (which I had already done). He suggested that I stop all PPIs and see if my symptoms change. I told him that my symptoms had remained constant. He said I should be feeling "like a new man" if it were reflux. I told him that I had been taking the PPIs and he asked if I felt better. He offered to do an endoscopy (just to cover the bases) but implied that he did not think it was necessary. I visited a gastroenterologist and he disagreed with the LPR diagnosis and said that I really have no symptoms of reflux. I was told that my lungs were "pristine" and I should consider a gastroenterologist. After a month of the same, I had the breathing tests done. We scheduled breathing tests just in case my condition did not improve. He thought that I was fine, agreed with LPR diagnosis. My primary doctor suggested that I visit a pulmonologist for their opinion and breathing tests (if required). He encouraged me to keep on the PPIs for another month or so (which I did, along with diet changes), but in the end has made no difference. I visited an ENT who used the scope and saw "some" swelling around larynx and agreed with the LPR diagnosis. My diet was already healthy but I cleaned it up even more, cut back on coffee, alcohol, and tried PPIs (prilosec and pantaprozole) for a month. I've never had any digestive issues or anything to even hint at reflux. I consulted a friend (who is a primary care doctor), and he suggested that I may have silent-reflux (LPR). However, we tried an asthma-allergy medication for a couple of weeks which made no difference. I have no trouble exhaling or other asthma-like symptoms. It later returned and we discussed if I may have asthma (which I never have had). My doctor thought that I might have a mild infection and prescribed antibiotics which seemed to help. Later it developed into what felt like chest congestion but I had no cough.


Suddenly in April of this year, my chest started feeling a little tight like I could not take a full deep breath. Low CT scan number (which I had done in the middle of all this). I've read several posts but cannot pinpoint the exact forum to be in. I hope that someone can provide some insight. If you do not diagnose it properly then it may become very problematic and it is mostly seen that when the patient experience both the chest pain and back pain together doctors advise the patient to do chest x-ray or electrocardiogram ( ECG) as these are a very common test for diagnosis of heart problems.Hi. That is the reason why it is very essential to diagnose its exact reason why the patient is experiencing both the chest pain and back pain together. Certain viral infections, herpes too can cause chest and back pain together, if the particular area is affected. Hence, these problems too can result in chest and back pain together. The pain may be very severe for which the patient may also experience its effect on the back. Chest pain may also be experienced due to some other problems such as problems in lungs, esophagus, muscles, ribs, nerve problems, etc. It actually depends on the cause of the chest pain.Īs there are other causes of chest pain too, it is necessary to evaluate those too.

lower throat upper chest discomfort

However, the pain that the patient may experience may differ due to the various reasons and it may be a sharp pain, dull pain, burning pain, aching, stabbing, squeezing, crushing sensation, etc. The chest pain may be experienced from the neck to the upper abdomen.

lower throat upper chest discomfort

It is true that the back pain is not as serious as that of the chest pain. The chest pain at that time is so severe that it moves from the chest to the back of the patient and as a result, the patient feels discomfort. When it occurs the person feels painful pressure, cramping as well as squeezing sensation in the chest. Due to this, the blood flow gets blocked to the heart muscles.

lower throat upper chest discomfort

One of them is a blood clot which gets logged in an artery. One of the commonest reasons of experiencing chest and back pain together can be related to serious problems related to the heart.

Lower throat upper chest discomfort